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The Gold Collection
Viewing: The Gold Collection > INANIMATE TWO > MUSICAL > HARPS AND MISC MUSICGo up a folder level
Check for a page selector below the images, many of these have more than one page.
Bagpipes (ancient) Bagpipes (ancient) 2 Clarion, Rest, or Sufflue Clarion, Rest, or Sufflue 2 Conga Drum Drum Drum (Kettle)
Drum Stick Harp 1 Harp 10 Enwrapped by Serpent Harp 11 (9 Strings) Harp 2 (Jew's) Harp 3 Harp 4
Harp 5 (Lyre) Harp 6 Harp 7 Harp 8 Harp 9 Ringed at the Top Horn 1 (Pipe) Horn 2 (Cornet)
Horn 3 (Trumpet) Horn 4 (Hautboy) Horn 5 Horn 6 (Flute) Horn 7 Horn 8 Grelier (French Hunting) Lute
Organ Pipe Organ Pipes (3) Enfiled-Laurel Branch Violin (or Fiddle) Violin (Treble) or Cello

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